
Monday, November 9, 2015

Welcome to a 2015 Swapping Scarves Exchange

Dear Friends,

This holiday season I want to invite you do a little something to fill mailboxes with joy and cheer with a scarf exchange! This IS NOT a chain letter, you send 1 and get 6 in return type of thing, this is a one for one scarf swap. If you would like to participate you simply fill out the form below (by Friday, November 12). I will scramble all the participants up (probably in a bowl) and then email all the info out on Monday, November 16th. You will have until December 7th to send out a scarf (suggested $20 budget) and then patiently wait for yours to arrive from a mystery friend. You will have no idea who you are receiving from and your partner won’t know who you are until both of your mailboxes are filled with joy!

Please share this with friends so we can make this a hugely successful event. Each and every one us needs something other than bills and junk mail in our mailboxes, and who knows maybe you will even make a new friend! Let’s use #swappingscarves so we can all see our mailbox surprises!

Sorry international friends but we are going to keep this for state side participants only!